CDL Test Request Form

How To Schedule A CDL Test:

  • Step 1: Complete the requested information below.
  • Step 2: After we receive your request, we’ll contact you to make your appointment.

Note: The date and time you desire may not be available. Once we receive your request, you will be contacted back by one of our staff members to finalize your appointment. Federal law requires that tests must be scheduled at least two (2) days in advance. Please be aware that all tests booked must be prepaid. We must receive a 72 hour advance notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your test. If not, all prepayment fees will be forfeited.

Contact Information
Date of Birth

Phone Number

Learner's Permit
Note: You must hold your Commercial Driver's License Learner's Permit for a minimum of 14 days before you are eligible to take the CDL skills test. Permit Issue Date
Permit Expiration Date
Permit Class
Endorsements - Check All That Apply Restrictions - Check All That Apply
Testing Details
CDL Testing Vehicle Will you need to rent a vehicle for testing?
Brake System
Note: The date and time you desire may not be available. Once we receive your request, you will be contacted back by one of our staff members to finalize your appointment. Federal law requires that tests must be scheduled at least two (2) days in advance. Choose A ProSafe CDL Location Desired Test Date
Desired Test Time
Reason For Testing
Please be aware that all tests booked must be prepaid. We must receive a 72 hour advance notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your test. If not, all prepayment fees will be forfeited.